

Graphical Multivariate Analysis with AMOS, EQS, and LISREL: A Visual
Approach to Covariance Structure Analysis (in Japanese). Yutaka Kano.
Kyoto, Japan: Gendai-Sugakusha, 1997, 235 pages.  

Reviewed by Kentaro Hayashi
Department of Psychology
University of California-Los Angeles

This book examines how to analyze data using three major software programs
for structural equation modeling (SEM): AMOS 3.51, EQS 5.4, and LISREL
8.14.  The book is written in Japanese by one of the leading scholars in
theoretical aspects of structural equation models.  Although the author is
originally trained as a mathematical statistician, the book is oriented
more to applied researchers.  
	The book consists of seven chapters.  The first three chapters are
fairly introductory, whereas the remaining chapters provide more in-depth
discussion of SEM issues.  Chapter 1 introduces regression analysis as a
transition model to SEM analysis.  In chapter 2, the author explains in 
detail how to conduct a data analysis with AMOS, EQS, and LISREL.  The
chapter focuses on two modeling examples: path analysis (i.e., a model
without latent variables) and multiple indicator analysis (i.e., a model
with latent variables).  The step-by-step descriptions are easy to follow,
even for readers who are inexperienced with these software packages.  
	Chapter 3 focuses on exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis 
and chapter 4 examines the foundations of covariance structure analysis.  
These chapters include excellent discussions on such topics as 
identification, methods of estimation, goodness of fit indexes (e.g., RMR,
GFI, AGFI, RMSEA, NFI, NNFI, and CFI), analysis of categorical data, and
violation of normality assumptions (e.g., discussion of elliptical
	Chapters 5 and 6 are a little more advanced.  In chapter 5,
methods for modifying proposed models are given, with discussion of
Lagrange multiplier and Wald tests in EQS and modification indexes and
Wald tests in AMOS and LISREL.  In chapter 6, the topic of analysis of
multiple groups is presented and different kinds of factorial invariance
models are explained.  In addition, the chapter provides a discussion of
mean structures associated with the analysis of multiple groups.  Finally,
chapter 7 provides a brief summary of SEM and discussion on some unsolved
	Although the title of the book is "graphical" multivariate
analysis, it is a reasonable name because many path diagrams, output
results, and command files appear throughout the book.  Despite the fact
that the phrase "graphical modeling" has in recent years been used to
describe conditional independence models for continuous and categorical
data, these are not the same as structural equation models, and the author
does not use the word with this particular meaning.  
	Although the intended readers of this book are novice users of
SEM, more advanced researchers will find the presentation quite
interesting.  In fact, a lot of background information is scattered
throughout the book.  Unfortunately, because the book is written in
Japanese, it is not accessible to most of the otherwise potential readers
throughout the world.  Nevertheless, it should be of great interest to
readers of this journal to know that SEM is becoming widely accepted in
