Hotel Sunroute Umeda



  1. KIX to Namba
  2. Namba to Nakatstu
  3. Nakatsu to Hotel
  4. Hotel to Osaka Univ.(Conference Site)

  1. KIX to Namba

  2. After imigration, luggage claim, and custom, you are now in Osaka. For Hotel Sunroute Umeda, you first take Nankai Rapit Express for Namba station. Details for this, click here.
    Kansai International Airport
    -- Take the "Rapit" here --
    Nankai Namba Station
  3. Namba to Nakatsu

  4. After you arrive at the Namba station of Naikai Railway, you are going to take the Mido-suji line of Osaka subway. The process is described in details. Click here. And get off at "Nakatsu" station.
    Subway Mido-suji (boud for Shin-Osaka or Senri-chuo)
    Namba to Nakatsu: 230 JPY
    Subway Mido-suji is bound for
    • Nakatsu
    • Shin-Osaka
    • Esaka
    • Senri-chuo
          * Namba
          (3 stations)
          * Umeda
          * Nakatsu
          * Nishi-Nakajima Minamikata
          * Shin-Osaka
          * Higashi-Mikuni
          * Esaka
          (2 stations)
          * Senri-chuo (Terminal Station)
  5. Nakatsu station to the Hotel

  6. about 3 minutes walk
  7. Hotel to Osaka Univ. (Conference Site)

  8. Take the Mido-suji line for Senri-chuo. Then take Osaka monorail for Kadoma-shi and get off at Banpaku-kinen-koen, the 2nd stop. Change a train bound for Handai-byoin-mae. Sometimes You have to wait for the train for 15 - 20 minutes. After getting out of the Handai-byoin-mae station, you can follow the direction shown on the map to the Osaka University Convention Center.