

  1. (with M. Suvakov) Three topologically Nontrivial Choreographic Motions of Three Bodies

Refereed paper

  1. Non-integrability criterion for homogeneous Hamiltonian systems via blowing-up technique of singularities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A 35(2015), 3707-3719( preprint).
  2. Minimax approach to the n-body problem, ASPM. vol. 64 (2013), Nonlinear Dynamics in Partial Differential Equations, accepted.
  3. Variational proof of the existence of the super-eight orbit in the four-body problem, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 214(2014), 77-98 (preprint)
  4. (with Yagasaki) Families of symmetric relative periodic orbits originating from the circular Euler solution in the isosceles three-body problem, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 110(2011), 53-70
  5. Non-integrability of the collinear three-body problem, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A, 30(2011), 299-312.
  6. Minimizing periodic orbits with regularizable collisions in the n-body problem, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 199(2011), 821-841 (KURENAI).
  7. Free-fall and heteroclinic orbits to triple collisions in the isosceles three-body problem, Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 49 (2009), 735-746.
  8. (with K. Yagasaki) Heteroclinic connections between triple collisions and relative periodic orbits in the isosceles three-body problem, Nonlinearity, 22 (2009), 2377-2403 (KURENAI).
  9. Existence and stability of periodic solutions in the isosceles three-body problem, RIMS Kˆokyuˆroku Bessatsu, B13 (2009), 141-155.
  10. Multiple symmetric periodic solutions to the 2n-body problem with equal masses, Nonlinearity,19 (2006), 2441-2453 (preprint version).

Non-refereed paper

  1. Action minimizing periodic solutions in the N-body problem, proceedings of Sino-Japan conference (2011), 2012.
  2. Variational Existence Proof of Quasi-periodic Solutions in the Isosceles Three-Body Problem, Resonances, Stabilization, and Stable Chaos in Hierarchical Triple Systems, Proceedings of the second international workshop held in Chiba, Japan.
  3. KAM-Stability of the Symmetric Euler Solution, Resonances, Stabilization, and Stable Chaos in Hierarchical Triple Systems, Proceedings of the second international workshop held in Chiba, Japan.
  4. Oscillatory and Periodic Motions in the Rectilinear Three-Body Problem, Resonances, sta-bilization, and stable chaos in hierarchical triple systems, St. Petersburg University(August2007).
  5. Variational Methods of N-body Problem, Resonances, stabilization, and stable chaos in hierarchical triple systems, St. Petersburg University(August 2007).

Invited talks

  1. Variational proof of the existence of the super-eight orbit in the four-body problem, The Asian Mathematical Conference 2013, BEXCO, Pusan, Korea
  2. Non-integrability criterion for homogeneous Hamiltonian systems via blowing-up theory of singularities, New Perspectives on the N-body Problem, BIRS, Banff, Canada (January 2013)(video)
  3. Non-integrability criterion for homogeneous Hamiltonian systems via blowing-up theory of sin- gularities, Workshop on Variational methods in N-body and Vortex Dynamics, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica ”Ennio De Giorgi”, Italy(June 2012)
  4. Variational approach to the n-body problem, Sino-Japan Conference of Young Mathematicians, Nankai University, China( December 2011)
  5. A variational proof of the existence of Gerver’s super-eight orbit in the four-body problem, II UPC Integrability Seminar, Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain(June 2010)


  1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS),Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 2014--2017
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS),Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), No. 40467444, "Variational approach to the n-body problem", 2010--2013
  3. Sumitomo Foundation, Grant for Basic Science Research Projects No. 111153, "Non-integrability criterion for homogeneous Hamiltonian systems via blowing-up technique of singularities", 2011-2013